

Survey Reflections

The Danish Evaluation Institute conducted in the fall of 2020 a survey in all VET schools in Denmark regarding the experiences of students, teachers, and leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey sparked ground for many reflections on the outcomes and experiences of this extraordinary period. It is obvious that we have to evaluate and learn from these experiences in preparation for eventual future lock downs, but also to evaluate the teaching approaches which is used in everyday teaching. The evaluation could lead to a change in how the classroom teaching is planned, executed and evaluated and provide new approaches which can help to enhance the motivation, performance, and outcome of student learning.

Learning Challenges

The lock down period has also provided the teachers with competences and experiences in digital distance learning. This has led to motivation for including more virtual teaching and further digitalization of the theoretical lesson with physical presence. It has however also provided problems with level of learning, student well-being, student feedback and social inclusion. 37% of the student stated that felt worse or much worse during the period of distance learning. 25% stated they felt better or much better and 37% that they did not feel any difference. A majority of the students in the survey stated that their learning outcome and motivation for learning had diminished during the lock down. All these factors provide an opportunity for the VET schools to learn and further develop their teaching abilities.

Project Goals

Our project aims to address and make teachers ready for the digital transformation which the COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth. The above-mentioned priorities for continuous professional development of VET teachers is what the project aims to do by bringing teachers together to reflect and develop on their experiences made during the lock down of Europe. The project furthermore wants to improve the quality of the VET educations by drawing on the experiences with distance learning during the COVID-19, to widen the methods of didactics to include online digital teaching methods.

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