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Eilert Sundt videregående skole

Eilert Sundt vgs is a public upper secondary school located in the south of Norway. The school is divided into two locations. The main school is located in Farsund and the other department is located in the town of Lyngdal. The main school is new as of autumn 2021. We are a combined school that offers vocational studies and general studies. We also offer studies for adult learners. Our vocational studies are within the fields of building and construction, electricians, mechanics, car mechanics, car painters, healthcare workers, child and youth workers, design and crafts and hairdressers. Next academic year, we will have a little over 200 students. Eilert Sundt vgs has approximately 100 paid staff members including approximately 10 trainees

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IES Cotes Baixes

IES Cotes Baixes High School from Alcoi has a long history that comes back from the first law concerning Vocational Training studies back in the 200s. Later, with the extension of the law of the year 1970, the school stops depending on the Industrial Engineering School from Alcoy to become a center with full capacity for self-management, and it offers specialties of Delineation, Textile, Administrative, Automotive and Electricity. From the school year 92/93 we started to offer 3rd year Secondary Education till we gradually got to the new 2nd year of Pre-university studies. The introduction of the new Vocational training studies was somewhat slower. The center is located in the district of Alcoy and El Comtat. Alcoy is located 54 km. from the capital city of the province (Alicante) and 110 km. from the capital of the Region (Valencia). The town has over 200,000 inhabitants. Traditionally the textile industry has been the primary source of wealth of Alcoy. The crisis in the textile sector has joined the virtual disappearance of the traditional paper and metallurgical industries, and now the city is in full restructuring. In recent years the number of workers affiliated to the Social Security has been dramatically reduced, and it has been noticeable the reduction of jobs in traditional sectors of the city, either by closure or by the transfer of companies to other nearby towns. The school is located in the industrial estate of Cotes Baixes, in the neighborhood of the North Area of the city. It is the most populous district of Alcoy, with 17,462 inhabitants, 27.46% of the city population. Its population is mainly working class it is also an area with considerable immigration. This is a socially, culturally, and economically disadvantaged area. IES COTES BAIXES of Alcoi is a public center of the Ministry of Education of the Valencian Regional Government on is coursing mandatory Secondary education (ESO), and nonmandatory secondary education, the Gymnasium and VET. The center has approximately 1200 students, half of them in Secondary Education (ESO) and Gymnasium; and the other half in VET programmes. Also, we have 145 teachers and 15 non staff people. Talking about VET we have 7 different branches of education: TRADE&SALES, WOOD, AUTOMOTIVE, RENOWABLE ENERGY, AUTOMATIC&ROBOTICS, TEXTILE AND MACHINING. Also, we have a QUALITY DEPARTMENT and an INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT. In last 5 years we have been working very hard in our international department, in this area we have achieved in the course 18/19 about 200 students mobilities(sending) and 200(receiving), and 10 teachers mobilities(sending) and 15 (receiving). For our school was a god mark because 4 years ago we made about 10 mobilities sending and receiving.

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The Association CNOS-FAP Regione Piemonte (National Centre of Salesian Institutions - Vocational Training and Upskilling) is an Italian NPO founded in 1978. Salesian Institutions are present in 133 Countries: as VET providers, they started in 1870 and are currently active in 108 Countries, managing 1,845 technical colleges and VET centers targeting 1,215,000 final beneficiaries. They represent one of the world’s eldest long-lasting, and widest network of training providers. The Association CNOS-FAP Regione Piemonte is a member of the CNOS-FAP Federation (part of DBI – Don Bosco International, the network of the Salesian Institutions working, among others, in the field of vocational guidance and training), which represents the Association at the European level. The Federation, which is present in 16 Italian Regions with 15 Regional Delegations, has also the objective to promote the Salesian vocational training offer and the coordination of vocational training activities at national level. At regional level, CNOS-FAP Regione Piemonte coordinates the 13 Salesian VET centers of the Piedmont Region. It has 13 offices, one in each VET Center, throughout the Region’s 6 provinces. It employs 424 staff and benefits more than 4,000 students active in VET field mainly by: - Providing vocational guidance and counselling services for youth and adults - Providing dual apprenticeships courses - Planning and delivering courses and modules in initial and higher VET and adult education. - Designing and implementing continuous vocational training paths tailored on the needs of private sector actors, building up partnerships in cooperation with the National Federation, including at international level. Nowadays, our Association is fully equipped to organize VET for youth and adults in various economic sectors, in the following areas: Industrial engineering; Civil and Industrial electrical and automation systems, including automotive; Basic and advanced information technology; Company secretary and desk work; Graphic Design & Multimedia; Hotel and Hospitality; Energy. Out of our 4,000 students, 30% can be described as disadvantaged youth: students with disabilities (including learning disabilities), immigrants and refugees, youth with social problems, etc...). Our main beneficiaries are still the “poor youth” living in Don Bosco’s Turin in the 19th Century. He dedicated his life to the education of street children, juvenile delinquents, and other disadvantaged youth, developing teaching methods based on love rather than punishments, an approach that became known as the Salesian Preventive System, still applied in CNOS-FAP VET. CNOS-FAP Regione Piemonte is a member of the Fédération Européenne des Centres de Bilan et d'Orientation Professionnelle (FECBOP). Its Counsellors are certified to use the online tools of PerformanSe, achieved with formative training and supervision. In 2015, the Association started a new network of offices (Job Service Offices), a qualified reference point in the labor market, providing various services for the world of work with the final aim to favors the matching between jobseekers and employers. The CNOS-FAP offices offer career guidance opportunities to young and adult jobseekers with the advice of a qualified Counsellor and services aiming at job matching to companies. From the first conversation, the person is welcomed and receives information about our services: Project design for apprentices; Assistance to the employers about job placement and its regulatory framework (including information about existing incentives and facilitations); Advisory about job security and risk assessment. The supervision of the Regional Coordination Office ensures the quality of interventions, including through the upskilling of staff, equipment, and methods. It provides services for VET planning and budgeting, teaching, methodologies and tools for guidance and professional skills.

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Rakvere Ametikool

Rakvere Ametikool (RAK) is the only VET institution its region of location. It employs 108 persons, including 72 teachers and provides training for 1200 students on the ground of basic and secondary education and for students without basic education and WBL programmes There are 10 curriculum groups taught at RAK: 1. ICT 2. Construction 3. Tourism, catering and accommodation services 4. Food processing 5. Processing of wooden materials 6. Mechanics and metal processing 7. transportation and vehicles 8. logistics 9. domestics service 10. choice of profession curriculum From 1.09.2020 school also has a department of general education where 1200 students acquire basic and secondary education. Mission of RAK is: With the help of an up-to-date learning environment as well as friendly, motivated and qualified staff, RAK seeks to offer innovative opportunities for students´ personal development as well as for managing their professional lives. RAK has been actively taken part in international projects (including Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2) and has cooperation experiences with schools in different European countries. Since 2015 RAK is the holder of Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter.

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Mercantec is a merged school between a vocational and a business school/gymnasium. Mercantec has yearly 3000 full time students and employs about 200 employees. The educations at Mercantec ranges from vocational educations, business and technical high school/gymnasium to adult further education. The main residence is in Viborg, where Mercantec has 4 campuses: Hans Christian Andersens Vej, construction, gymnasium and House of Industry. Mercantec has a large property towards the west coast of Denmark, which mainly consists of further education courses. Mercantec offers dormitory rooms for students and has room for about 3200 students.

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